New Hope Church
Located just 15 minutes north of downtown Minneapolis, New Hope Church needed a refreshed front entrance. The existing glass entryway was outdated and not up to standard.
The Challenge
New Hope Church wanted to update and make its front entrance more inviting, energy efficient and user-friendly. The existing doors were no longer up to current standards for design and functionality, and needed replacing.
Our Solution
Brin Glass Service worked on the design and installation phases of the project, and also provided the glass. Brin was able to install the new entrance quickly, which meant the staff and members of the church only had a very short window of inconvenience while workers completed the job.
Results Accomplished
New Hope Church now has a fresh, clean and contemporary front entrance that is inviting to everyone. Additionally, Brin Glass Service has been able to continue working with the team at New Hope on various other updates around their church.
Why was Brin Glass best suited for the work?
Brin Glass Service was best suited for the work because their close downtown Minneapolis location allowed them to be on-site quickly. In addition, their proactive and service-driven approach helped them communicate easily with the team at New Hope Church to get the project done right.
Success Story
New Hope Church
Project Start July 2021
Project End July 2021
Executed By
Brin Glass Service
General Application
CNC Technician
Commercial Glass Sales Representative